The Sport and Esports Convergence.

For years, Esports players and traditional athletes have been diametrically opposed in several ways. Traditional athletes have always been perceived as role models and idols: the epitome of discipline, commitment and talent. By contrast, Esports athletes have always suffered from the stereotypes that generally surround the gaming hobby. It makes sense: if casual gamers are […]

  • 29/11/2021
  • esports, rights holder, Sponsorship, twitch

Sportskred Groups

Introducing Sportskred Groups. At Sportskred, it’s always been our mission to make sponsorship of the social media of athletes and ambassadors more accountable, easier to manage, and optimizable.  One of the many tools that facilitate these aims in the Sportskred platform is groups.   With Sportskred Groups, teams, leagues and sponsors have much greater control in […]

  • 12/08/2021
  • rights holder, Social Media, Sponsors, Sportskred, Technology