In the Spotlight: Pioneering Diversity a...

From Racing To Founding Init Esports As Stefy’s career in motorsports prospered, she noticed a shift in the world around her in 2020. Inspired by her niece’s interest in watching people play video games, she saw an opportunity to merge her love for motorsports with the emerging world of esports.  Thus, Init Esports was born, […]

The Journey of José Asensio: Lessons in...

In the world of sports marketing, there are individuals who stand out not only for their successes but also for the lessons learned from their challenges and failures. One such remarkable professional is José Asensio, the CEO of Movistar Estudiantes, whose career in the sports industry spans over two decades. His journey is a testament […]

Exploring the Intersection of Motorsport...

In the fast-paced world of motors, gaming, and esports, Alpine has carved a unique path blending tradition with cutting-edge technology. In a recent interview with Guillaume from Alpine, we gained insights into their approach to marketing, partnerships, ambassador programs, and staying ahead in the realm of team racing. Alpine’s rich history and commitment to reinvention […]